
Archive for May 10th, 2008

In all my years of visiting cemeteries, this was the most…interesting trip. I must warn anyone who wishes to visit Purdy Cemetery: Be very quiet. I mean don’t even breathe hard. The neighbors called the police and we had to try to explain what we were doing there. I told the officer that I was taking photographs of the cemetery (past midnight, mind you) and he looked very puzzled and asked, “Why?” I knew if I told him the real reason why I was taking photographs he would think I was nuts or had been drinking, so I told him I had been told it was an interesting place to take pictures. After about 10 minutes of talking to him, he let us go and made sure we left the cemetery. His main reason for letting us go was because he didn’t want to deal with all the paper work of arresting 8 people. Anyway, I am very grateful he let us go and here are the pictures that almost landed me in jail. I hope you enjoy them!

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